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 Under the leadership of Arlene Danielson and Judy Padera, Lord of Life members Judy and George Padera, Pastor Carole, Carolynn Katt, Raymond Silhan, Connie Allekian, Aimee Jimenez, Stacie Plzak, Sherry Sejnost, Bruce and Arlene Danielson set up a table in the parking lot of the Q Bar on the weekend of August 14th & 15th and spread the word about Lord of Life.

Many visitors stopped by to receive brochures, flyers and water, and the children put together different crafts while LoL talked to them and their parents about our Sunday School and services.  

This year donation jars for LOL, the Comfort Dogs, and the Children’s Shelter were available at the booth and a total of 81.95 in kind was garnered.  

Our tent was a little sad this year because the frame was bent, and we could not find the top cover so we had to improvise and use our VBS parachute. On the bright side, the chute kept us shaded and served its purpose. In addition, the children who came to our booth said they loved the pretty colors and thought it was pretty cool that we used a parachute as a cover. Needless to say we will have to retire the tent, but it served its purpose all these years at Lord of Life.  

God Bless every one of you who gave your time and talents to make this a fun event.