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The ELCA Chicago Metropolitan Synod Assembly met virtually on Saturday June 5, 2021 and was well planned and executed.  The first order of business was to formally convene and close the business of the 2020 Assembly in accordance with the Constitution and open the 2021 Assembly.              

Bishop Curry described how the theme of Stewardship could be utilized to meet the specific needs of congregations without focusing only on Stewardship as increasing the financial status of a congregation.  He clarified how congregations can apply the concept of Stewardship to make difficult but necessary decisions.             

Bishop Curry noted the Book of Reports was available on line for delegates to review to learn of the activities of the various entities and ministries of the Synod.  Anyone interested in reviewing those reports can access the Book of Reports at the ELCA MCS website (, clicking on Assembly scrolling to the Book of Reports. The reports focus on the activities of the Synod during the unusual year of Covid including a description of monies designed as grants to congregations in need of financial assistance as they recoup from the restrictions of Covid.  Bishop Curry highlighted the fact that the Metropolitan Chicago Synod was the second highest of 65 Synods in Mission support.            

As delegate, I was very much impressed with the work of the various Ministries, which are supported by the congregations in the ELCA.  I encourage members of LoL to take the opportunity to look over the Book of Reports and the video report to have a better idea of what is happening throughout the Synod.