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Are you interested in reading about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and matters of faith?  Are you interested in what is working in other congregations?  The ELCA, a diverse church of over 3.5 million members and 9300 congregations, publishes a magazine that features stories and commentary about your fellow Lutherans, resources to help you deepen your faith, monthly reflections from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and coverage of religious news and events.  It even includes crossword puzzles, book reviews and the Light Side-humorous bits to make your day. There are sample copies of the magazine in the narthex for you to take home and read.

Individual Subscriptions Available You may order individual subscriptions to Living Lutheran magazine sent directly to your address at the cost of $19.95 for one year by contacting Augsburg Fortress Subscriptions or by calling 800-328-4648.  The cost for two and three year subscriptions are discounted

A second option is the Congregational Plan Subscriptions If five or more families sign up for a subscription, the magazines will be mailed to the church once a month, and you can pick them up there.  The congregational plan comes with a discount price of $8.00!!!!!  

Anyone interested in subscribing may sign the sheet in the narthex by the offices