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During the month of July, the God's Work, Our Hands project, sponsored by the LCW, will collect much needed personal care and cleaning items to supply the FISH food pantry.  Unfortunately, those who receive financial benefits are not permitted spend their benefits on personal care and cleaning items such as dish soap, paper towels, sponges, dish towels, dish clothes, disinfectant wipes, spray cleaners (such as 405, Fantastic, Lysol, etc.), bathroom cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, kitchen cleanser, cleaning liquid such as Pine Sol or Mr. Clean, Laundry detergent (smaller containers) as well as personal hygiene items like bar soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, and deodorant.  We thank you for any contributions you can make.  For more information, please contact Sue Randa or Elaine Sherman.